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History Museum “Konaka”, VidinCod 2593

History Museum of Vidin originally appeared as Archaeological Society in 1910. Its main objective is the search, preservation and study of historical, archaeological and cultural monuments of the region. The company is developing considerably, but the wars between 1912-1918 had significantly stopped its activities.
In 1925 has restarted its activity and is called “Bononia”. Nearly 10 years later, it has its own building, the old Turkish post office, and took place its first exhibits. There is a large collection of coins, over 2500 coins, and many embroideries. It is exposed also a unique map of Vidin and of the region, with all the temples, objectives, ancient villages and old Roman roads.
In 1948 the museum became subordinate to Vidin District Council. In 1954 this one named it National Museum and has a total historical activity. For its needs it is used the old municipal building, which is called “Konaka” and is recognized as an architectural monument.
The building was created after the mid 18th century. At a later stage, however, is changed. It originally had just one floor and it was built in both directions, which intersect in right angles. In the center was a dome hall, which had a fire watchtower. Turks used it as city hall, then in 1870 was the building of the community church in Bulgaria. 150/5000
After Liberation, the building was reconstructed and included several elements of the Renaissance. Since 1956, it houses Regional Historical Museum of Vidin.
In the museum complex, are summarized office buildings and are transferred three notable historic properties – Baba Vida fortress, the museum and barracks Konaka. They are extremely visited and bring good revenue throughout the year.

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