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History Museum Vidin, VidinCod 2596

History Museum is one of the oldest scientific and cultural institution in Vidin, important social and cultural center for storage, scientific processing and promotion of cultural and historical values.
Beginning of the activity of the museum in Vidin region dates back to 1910, when it was founded the Archaeological Society and exposed the first collection of the museum. After the wars of the mid 20s of the twentieth century the archeological company “Bononia” intensified the activities of collection under the guidance of Professor Vasil Atanasov, an regulated activity, primarily of numismatic materials and Bulgarian embroidery used in the construction of the old Turkish mail.
Locating the Museum in Vidin national network of museums has been defined by the success in building a museum with exhibition, by the structure of departments and achievements in research.
The museum is well developed and has a complete structure, consistent with its overall profile history:
– Archaeology (“Prehistory”, “Antiquity” and “Middle Ages”) – the rich exposure of the department is mainly located in the restored building Konaka (1977).
– Numismatics – The Fund has over 30,000 coins.
– Ethnography – the exposure is at Kazarma Krastata Museum since 1969
– Bulgarian lands XV-XIX c. – The exposure is located in Konaka.
– New History
– Modern history
– Public relations
The library fund of the museum, numbering over 4,600 volumes, serves for many professionals in museums and other institutions, citizens and students.
The funds of the museum, which house more than 63 thousand exhibits, are in the care of the museum skilled experts – historians and philologists.

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