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National Museum Steamship “Radetzky”, KozloduiCod 2709

The National Museum the Steam ship “Radetzky” is situated in the city Kozlodui and it was founded by the means of a decision of the Council of Ministers from the 16th of March 1982.
This includes the museum ship “Radetzky” and the art gallery created in the period 1989 – 1990.
The museum is entirely connected with the life and the revolutionary activity of Hristo Botev and his tragic death. He participated at the movement of national absolution against the Ottoman domination (1876 – 1878). Botev formed at Giurgiu the revolutionary committee – he was the initiator and the organizer of the Revolt from April 1876 and the commander of the detachment, genius and revolutionary poet – Hristo Botev (1848 – 1876). A great idea for freeing Bulgaria reunited 205 rebels from all around the country. Disguised as gardeners, they climbed on the Austrian ship “Radetzky” from different Danube harbors from Romania. On the 17th of May of the year 1876 between Bechet and Cernavodă it is performed the adventurous plan for conquering the “Radetzky” ship and bringing it by force on the beach from Kozlodui. With their heroic actions, the participants and the insurrection from April and Botev announces the Absolution of Bulgaria and the Russian – Turkish War from 1877 – 1878.
“Radetzky” is a unique floating museum ship, created as such in the honor of the bravest revolutionary Bulgarians.
The Austrian ship “Radetzky” was built in 1851 in the factory “Obuda” – Budapest, situated in that period of time in Austria – Hungary. Named after the marshal Joseph Radetzky Wenceslas (1766 – 1858 A.D.), of Slovakian origin, whose bust is situated today on the bowline of the ship.
In 1906, on the occasion of 30 years from the absolution of Bulgaria from the Ottoman domination it was decided to build a military monument, the History Museum in the proximity of Svishtov. On this purpose, the ship was bought back by the First Empire from the river Danube – Vienne. The cloudy political situation from the country at that moment prevented the bringing into effect of plan and the ship was forgotten.
In 1918 “Radetski” was dismembered and destroyed in 1924 by the company of maritime transportation from Austria.
In 1925, the captain of the ship, Dagobert Engleder, sent towards Bulgaria saved relics from the ship, the pavilion, the seal, the original license, a copy of the report, a detailed declaration with regards to all the seen, a copy of the letter by Botev in French to the captain and the passengers, two board panels from “Radetzky” (one – from where Botev stood forcing the captain to assign the ship for walking on the Bulgarian coast of the water).
With these relics and with the support of 1, 2 million of Bulgarian children who collected funds for its construction, the “Radetzky” ship was re-conditioned in the honor of 90 years from the death of Hristo Botev.
The ship was re-conditioned and it was launched at water on the 28th of May 1966 and on the 30th of May it reached the beach from Kozlodui.
The new ship has 57, 40 meters in length and 17, 50 meters in width.
The cabins of the captain and of the crew have been recovered throughout the times from the original ship “Radetzky”.
In 1966, it was also re-conditioned the exhibit of the museum. It is oriented entirely towards the life and the work of Hristo Botev and to his faith. The today’s exposal is kept in the day room, the first class of the ship and in the superior part it is at the table where Botev wrote his great letter. There are kept more inks and the captain’s pen which commanded the ship in the night of his sequestering by the rebels.
After the construction of the ship, it makes the sacrament journey and visit to Vienne and Budapest. In the year 1973, the ship was re-conditioned. Currently, the ship has a special place built for it on the beach from Kozlodui.

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