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Rabisha Karstic Lake, BelogradchikCod 2633

It is situated in Belogradchik district, at some 40km away from Vidin, close to the Rabisha hill, and next to Magura cave. Local legends say that in the past people believed that all sorts of creatures, genuine lake monsters, lived in the waters of Rabisha’s lake, and folk stories, more or less terrible, similar to the one of Lock Ness Monster – Nessie (Scotland) were widely spread. The region surrounding Rabisha lake is perfect for spending short holidays or making weekend trips. The most suitable period is August, when Rabisha village is in celebration. Currently, the lake is an extremely attractive recreational area in the district of Vidin, with a camping, a hotel and several restaurants. Tourists can enjoy swimming,
surfing, fishing, hunting, and travelling, as there are wonderful attractions nearby, such as the Belogradchik Rocks and the Magura Cave.

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