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The Bust of General Praporgescu, Turnu MăgureleCod 1561

The Bust Of General David Praporgescu was raised to honor General David Praporgescu, son of peasants, born in Turnu Măgurele, fallen in WWI, in the battles on the Olt river, in the Carpathian peaks, on September 30th 1916. The bust was done by sculptor Gheorghe Iliescu-Călinesti.

David Praporgescu was born in 1865, in Turnu Măgurele, in a family of peasants. He went to elementary and two high school grades in his home town, becoming then a scholarship student of the Normal school for the Education of the Romanian people, in Bucharest. After graduating, he was a teacher in the Lița village, near the city of Turnu-Măgurele.

In 1885 he joined 11 Regiment  Cavalrymen in Botosani as a volunteer soldier. In 1888, as a sergeant, he was approved to directly take the Infantry and Cavalry Military school in Bucharest graduation exam, which he graduation first out of 100 graduate students, being promoted to second lieutenant, on October 1st 1888.

Between 1889 and 1890 he attend the Special Cavalry School in Bucharest, which he also graduated with honors. In 1894 he is sent for specialization to the Riding school in Samur (France), afterwhich he does a training stint in the Regiment 5 Dragons from Compiegne. Back in the country he attends the courses of the Superior School of war. Between 1902 and 1903 he was sent overseas again for a training stint in the Austrian Hungarian army.

After graduating from the Officers’ Military School as a second lieutenant, David Praporgescu had different positions in the Cavalry units or the higher ranks of the army, the most important being the commander of the 4 Regiment Rosiori or commander of 2nd brigade Călărași.

He also had a full didactic career in military teaching institutions being head of department and cavalry and cavalry army tactics teacher at the Infantry and Cavalry Officers School, between 1903 and 1908. He was also head of the chair for cavalry tactics at the Superior School of war.

During WWI, he was the commander of the 20 Infantry Division, between August 14/27th – Septemeber 16/29th 1916 and commander of the Army Corps I, between September 17/30th – September 30th/October 13th 1916, distinguishing himself in the battle of the Olt Valley from 1916.

He dies on the battle field on September 30th/October 13th 1916, deadly wounded by a lost missile splinter, when he was travelling the valley of the Câineni stream from the Colți position to the Pleșu position.

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