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The Court From Craiova, CraiovaCod 1346

The current emplacement situated in a monumental building, it was assigned to the Court of Craiova in the years after 1960, the city courts from Oltenia having in the inter-war period, and immediately after, the headquarters in the building of the current University.

The building built in the year 1890 by the architect Ion Socolescu in a Neo-Classical style, assigned to the Palace of Justice was adequate for the judging of the cases from all the counties from Oltenia.

The fact that the justice is a real power is emphasized at the middle of the XIXth century, by the court seals, on whose field was graved an oval shield comprising the blazon of the district (the crusaded golden eagle) accompanied by the balance, the symbol of justice.

The years 1990 – 2004 bring important alterations in the organizing structure of the court, therefore, from the 13 college coordinates which functioned in the years 1990 – 1993 with a number of 26 judges, it came to the fact that in the year 2012, the number of the panels to be of 46 judges.

After the criteria of the volume of activity, it is the first court from the county and even from the radius of the Court of Appeal from Craiova.

Having taken into account the functional requests, the Court from Craiova has been subjected to some complete renovation operations in the year 1998.

At the level of the Court of Craiova there functions only one current archive, which serves the criminal department, as well as the civil department, having a room exclusively destined to the study of the files by the lawyers, the people seeking justice, experts, as well as the compartment of the record office common for both the departments.

Also, starting with the year 2006, at the level of the Court, there was executed the informatics networks and it was implemented the application ECRIS for the electronic registration of the files and the random allocation. In the instance, there function a number of 46 panels, developing their activity in 6 court rooms, with an average of 10 meetings per day.

Ion N. Socolescu (born on the 17th of January 1856 Ploiești – died in 1924) was a Romanian architect. He attended the highschool at Ploiești, and then enginering at the School of Roads and Bridges from Bucharest, after which he studied architecture at the “School of Fine Arts” from Paris. He also studied at Rome. He set the basis of the society for the Romanian architect and he was its president. In 1890 he founded the magazine “The analysis of architecture”. In 1892, together with S. Sterian and on his own expenses, he founded the first school of Romanian architecture.

Socolescy is one of the best representatives of the Romanian school of modern architecture. Using the repertoire of shapes of the French academicism, his style is characterized by clarity and monumentality.


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