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„The Holy Apostles” Church, Strejești, MamuraCod 1632

“The Holy Apostles” Church in Mamura was built in the period 1818 – 1820, based on a wooden structure. The foundation belongs to Preda Căpitanu. The most important renovations brought to the sanctuary involved the rebuilding in 1852, and total repair from1904 and 1940.
Saint Apostle Peter – son of Jona and brother of the Apostle Andrew, was born in Bethsaida of Galilee. His name was Simon but the Savior will name him Cephas (rock).
After a lovely fishing on Lake Ghenizaret, it is called to become a fisher of men.
Confesses in the name of the apostles the deity of Christ, but he also forsakes Christ when He is caught to be crucified.
After the Ascension, Peter speaks in the assembly of disciples and they choose Apostle Matthias to replace Judas.The day of Pentecost, after Holy Apostle Peter preached, are baptized three thousand people.
Saint Apostle Peter preached in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Asia Minor up to Babylon, and in the last part of his life, in Rome.
St. Peter died crucified, upside down, in 67th year on June 29.
St. Paul of Tarsus in Cilicia, was a native of Benjamin nation. St. Paul was the student of scholar Gamaliel.
Paul lived in Tarsus and the fight against Christians. St. Paul participated in the murder of Archdeacon Ștefan.
On the road to Damascus, Christ appears to him in a blinding light and rebuke him: “Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me?”
He converts and receives the baptize from Ananias, bishop of Damascus. St. Apostle Paul started in three major missionary journeys and wrote 14 letters which are found in the Holy Scripture. He was beheaded by command of Nero in the year 67.
Because the Saints Peter and Paul were in prison because they confessed Christ as the Son of God, they became patrons of the penitentiary system in Romania.
They are protectors of those deprived of liberty and by the fact that those arrived in prison are people who have sinned against God, as they have wronged: Peter denied Christ, and Paul had persecuted Christians.The relics of Saints Peter and Paul, according to Sinaxar, were put together. The tradition registered the day of June 29th as the date of the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul.
Therefore, Peter and Paul, the Apostles and authors of authentic Christian faith were at the same time, two real friends, two basic pillars of the Church. It is interesting that each of the two spiritual brothers and friends had something to redeem: Peter had to redeemed his dilemmas, his fickleness, and his formal rejection of Jesus; Paul had to redeemed his wandering and the persecutions of the Church of Christ.

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