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The House With Bay Windows, ConstanțaCod 1102

Located at no. 4 Ovidiu Square, the building was constructed by the architect C. Michaescu in 1911.

It is designed in Art Deco style, making itself noticed by two bay windows of polygonal section that occupies the entire width of the building.

Decorative elements are enshrined in the San Francisco metropolitan architecture (called the city of bay windows).

Introduced in use and Romanian language dictionary from English bow-window, fiind explained in a free translation as arched window, the bay windows are  niches that extend a room outward balcony closed or construction outside facade of a building, provided with one or more windows.

These Art Deco elements over time, characterized much inspired by the people of San Francisco: this type of construction, which experts say provides better ventilation of the air, more light and an extension of the room space, and a  beauty and a decoration of the house, were named on the coasts of the San Francisco gulf – bay window (bay window), oriel (pavilion) or swell ground swell, undulation of the surface of the sea). It is amazing how a Californian specific architecture can be found in a high form, painstaking on the less sunny coast of the Black Sea.

The owner of this house, C. Serienescu, was part of the elite and intelligentsia of interwar years in Constanta, being a wealthy lawyer. From advertising newspaper “Black Sea” page of the year 1923 we can find references about the owner of the house with bay windos: „C. Serienescu, lawyer residing in  no. 7 Carol street, with consultation hours from 8-10 a.m și 6-7 p.m.” From these meetings with various clients,  and maybe from other sources, were gathered  the money to raise one of the most eccentric buildings in Romania.

Built in the early `20, when Art Deco still geometrized do not replace the Art Nouveau  niggling style, but continues it, the House with bay windows also retains elements of Art Nouveau,  represented by windows fittings both   in front of the building and in the back, towering above the little alley symbolically called „Orientului“ Alley.

Today the house with bay windows complement the Ovidiu Square architectural styles and, and of course trends marks  of decades Constanta passed in its history.

Thus, standing shoulder to shoulder with a building in pure Art Nouveau style, looking closely at the Museum of National History and Archaeology, a jewel of Brancovenesc style, or taking a look to the north, being able to admire the eclectic style and Neoclassical style of  Hrisicos’ House watching from the  N-W the old market of Independence, the House with bay windows completes the wide range of architectural styles from Ovidiu Square and from all old Constanta area, As Synagogue and Greek Catholic Church the complete the multireligious picture of the ancient city of Tomis.

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