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The monument of Ivan Vedar, city of RuseCod 2331

Untill the Zahari Stoyanov grave in the Pantheon of National Revival there is the monument of Ivan Vedar – the man who prevented the massacre of Russian citizens during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Urban myths tell that after the Russian bombing of the city, where only Turkish neighborhoods had suffered and military equipment youth of the Russian boasted in cafes that with secret signs, oriented Russian artillery. This has angered Turkish command, at which time the whole Bulgarian population – about 6,000 people, were gathered in Vladikov – now Youth Park, where he would be massacred. Ivan Vedar – the first Bulgarian mason, managed to save the inhabitants of Ruse, since it has been recognized as the brother of one of the Turkish officers – Delaver Pasha, who was also a Mason.

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