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The Monument of the Sailors, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1460

On the 13th of June 2013 it is inaugurated the monument In memoriam to the Honor and Country Division, dedicated to the sailor martyr heroes who fought during the Second World War (the 23rd of August 1944 – the 12th of May 1945).

For the memorial of the martyr heroes every year, on the 15th of August, on the occasion of the Sailor’s Day and of the Romanian Marine, there are put down crowns of flowers at the Monument of the sailors.

The direct involvement of the city in the Second World War started on the 15th of April 1944, (in the night of the Easter), when it is executed the first bombardments of the English – American aviation against Severin. On the occasion of the bombardments from the 15th and the 16th of April, the port, the waterside installations, the railway station, the regiments, the airdrome and partially the city are seriously hit, the destructions being considerable: tanks with gas being burned, the park of wagons and the railway engines was destroyed in a percentage of 2/3. From the 15th of April until the 22nd of August, the aerial English – American Forces executed on Severin a number of 11 bombardments. The bombardments from the 6th of May and, respectively, on the 6th of June 1944, were also extremely violent because of the large number of used bombardiers. The purpose of the bombardments on Severin was aiming the destruction of the concentration of the civilian refugees, universitaries and industrials arrived in Bucovina and Moldavia, but also, from the military point of view, to block the economic and neuralgic military connection, essential, between the German troops from Romania and the ones from the Balkans, including Hungary (blocking the supply with petrol and other logistic materials essential for continuing the war).


On the 5th of September 1944, the vanguard troops of the 6th Soviet Army of armor plated of the 2nd Ukrainian Front commanded by the Marshal Tolbuhin, arrive near Severin. On the 6th of September Turnu – Severin is occupied. The German artillery from Cladova (city near Yugoslavia) intensely bombards Severin and the Severin area. On the 30th of September 1944, being conducted against the retreat of the German troops of the group of the Army E from Greece, commanded by General Baron von Weich and General Alexander Löhr, the Soviet Armies 57 and 46 of the 2nd Ukrainian front (Tolbuhin) force the Danube at the Schela Cladovei, in ascent from Turnu – Severin, going forward towards Belgrade and, respectively, Sofia.

On the 14th of July 1945 it is founded SovRomtransport, Roman – Soviet navigation society of SovRom type, which has the purpose of exploiting in common the transportation means and resources of the Romanian state, in order to pay the war debt to the Soviet Union. The establishment of SovRomtransport (dissolved in 1954) takes place in the context of the armistice signed in 1944 by Romania with the Soviet Union. Following this fact, the Romanian part will contribute with the free lease to the Soviet Union of the Naval building yard from Turnu – Severin, Constanța and Brăila, the soviet cargoes being found in an advanced state of deterioration, needing constant reparations.

Because of the hunger caused by the terrible drought of 1946, on the day of the 15th of March 1947, under the decision of the Governor Petru Groza, “Make room in your home to a child from Moldavia”, in the railway station from Turnu Severin arrive 500 children, many of them nursling, accompanied by their mothers, some of them remaining widows. The inhabitants of the city remained an example in the chronics of the period for the solidarity manifested on this occasion.


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