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The Old Bridge on the River Vit near Pleven, PlevenCod 2229

The events during the period of the Bulgarian National Revival and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 take a special place in the rich history of Pleven.
It was a time of economic progress, intense development of urban and rural infrastructure, bloom of cultural and educational activities, active participation in ecclesiastical uprisings and war for national liberation. The main part of the town’s economy was occupied by cattle-breeding, farming, vine growing, traditional handicraft such as leather-working and dyeing and also grain and cattle trading.
The town was in the central kaza area of the Ruse Sanjak.
The construction of the bridge is connected to the project of Mithad Pasha – an active and ambitious governor of the sanjak. The project envisaged development of a road network in the Dunavski Wilayah as an important step for trade growth, communication and transportation of goods and travelers. With the construction of the road network Pleven was connected by main roads with Ruse, Sofia, Lovech, Svishtov, Nikopol and other administrative centers within the wilayah.

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