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The Vodița Monastery, VodițaCod 1496

In the month March 1990 there was constituted, in the municipality Drobete Turnu Severin, the Society “Vodița”, having the blessing of the worthy to mention Nestor Vornicescu, the Metropolitan from that period of time of Oltenia. At the proposal of this foundation, the Holy Assembly of the Romanian Orthodox Church approved, in the meeting from January 1991, the re-foundation of the Vodița Monastery, as a monastery of monks with a community life.

The works for the new Vodița Monastery started after the year 1991, the foundation stone of the monastery being consecrated in the year 2001. Later on, between the years 1991 and 1995, slightly above there was built a big body of sanctums, in which there is situated the monastery priorship and the trapeze; in the year 1995 there was started the building up of a wooden church, in a Maramureș style. The iconostasis was sculpted by the master Vasile, from Sighetul Marmației, and the painting in the mural painting, on coating, was worked by the masters Eugen and Florica Papici.

The Vodița Monastery was consecrated on the date of the 29th of July 2001, by His Eminence Teofan, Metropolitan of Oltenia. On the road towards the current monastery, on the left side of the road, there can also be seen today a few ruins remained from the oldest orthodox monastery from Wallachia.

The ruin of the Vodița Monastery represents the oldest voivode foundation documentary certified and, at the same time, the oldest monastic establishment from Romania autonomous administrated, according to the specific rules of the Orthodox Church, established in canons by the Saint Vasile the Great.

The Vodița Monastery was founded in the XIVth century, on the territory of the commune Vârciorova, near the frontier between the Austrian – Hungarian Empire and Wallachia. The Monastery was built up between the years 1370 – 1372, by the Pious Saint Nicodim the Sanctified from Tismana, on the expense of the prince Vladislav I – Vlaicu Vodă.

The Vodița Monastery, know as being autonomous, became the most powerful spiritual, cultural and missionary centre from the area. The frequent attacks of the Turks against the citadel from the Danube determined however the moving of the monastic centre in a more secure area.

The next appearance in history of the Vodița Monastery took place on the date of the 14th of October 1662, when a charter reminds about the receiving of a donation of 350 rubles, from the part of the czar Alexei MIhailovici, by the archimandrite Nicodim, the abbot from Vodița. Later on, a document from the date of the 15th of June 1689 reminds about the fact that the Vodița Monastery was re-built by Cornea Brăiloiu, who occupied the position of “great aga”. In the year 1700, the honored Vodița Monastery appears again, this time, on the map of the monasteries from Oltenia, drafted by the High Steward Constantin Cantacuzino. On the date of the 10th of March 1705, a charted issued by the Saint voivode Constantin Brâncoveanu gave to the Vodița Monastery exemptions from taxes.

After the year 1718, following the Austrian – Turkish war, ended with the peace from Passarovitz, the monastery declines again, it only appearing on a map drafted in the year 1720. On the date of the 5th of September 1891, when the bishop Ghenadie of Râmnic performs a canonical visit at the Monastery Vodița, he determines the advanced state of deterioration: the church only had a few walls, and the sanctums were demolished until the foundation.


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