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The Traian Demetrescu House, CraiovaCod 1374

On November 3rd 1866 Traian Rafael Radu Demetrescu is born in Craiova, second child of Radu Dumitru and Ioana Anica. “Tradem”’s family frequently made donations to the Saint Gheorghe Vechi Church, that is to this day across the street from the Craiova Cultural House, but also stood out through the donations they made for the Independence war. Traian’s mother was actively involved in the help provided to this war, being part of the Administration and Watch Committee of the hospitals for the wounded. He spent his childhood in Craiova and Caracal, where his grandparents on his father’s side lived.

He did three secondary grades at the Carol I high school in Craiova, then, because his family was having financial difficulties, he had to interrupt his studies. At the age of 13 he starts writing lyrics, publishing in the „Alarma” and „Clopotul” magazines. His poems draw Alexandru Macedonski’s attention, who will publish some poems, in his „Literatorul” magazine (Meditaţiune, Bătrâneţe, Plânsul fericirii, Nenorocire – 1883). In 1885 his first lyrics volume come out, “Poezii”, signed with his literary alias Tradem and fore worded by his mentor, Macedonski, with which he has had an active correspondence during his short existence. In 1886 he is editor of the „Revista literară” Bucharest publication. In 1887 his second lyrics volume comes out, “Freamăte” (published in Craiova). This is the year he comes back to Craiova, where he will publish the „Amicul libertăţii” newspaper, as well as the „Revista Olteană” publication (together with G.D. Pencioiu).

Although it was said that Traian Demetrescu’s work influenced the Romanian symbolism, being considered a predecessor of the Romanian symbolism, the poet defined himself as being an impressionist (naming Anatole France as his personal role model) and urged his fellow people to study the works of Dostoievski, Maupassant, Georg Brandes, Daudet, Balzac, Flaubert and Zola. In 1889 he publishes his third lyrics volume, “Amurgul, Cartea unei inimi” in 1891. Also in 1891 the volume “Profile literare (Craiova)” comes out, a collection of articles in which Demetrescu portrays Romanian and foreign literary figures of his time. In 1892, in Craiova the volume “Intime” prose poems, short stories (with a letter from Al. Vlahuţă).

After 1890, his heath worsens and as such the poet tries to find a cure for tuberculosis in different clinic in the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires (München, Bad Reichenall, and Vienna). In 1895, he goes to Bucovina, at Solca, with the same purpose. He remains active in the literary field: in 1894 the volume “Sensitive” is published in Bucharest, and a year later, in Craiova, the novel “Iubita”.

In 1896, in Craiova his novel “Cum iubim” is published. On April 17th 1896, at the age of 29, Traian Demetrescu dies from a haemoptysis attack. His friends displayed in the window of the „Benvenisti” library, a portrait with the writer’s mourning, under which it said “The poet is gone”. Traian Demetrescu is buried in the Ungureni cemetery in Craiova. In 1896 the short novels’ volumes: “Privelişti (din viaţă)” and “Simplu”.

Throughout his literary activity, Traian Demetrescu used different aliases: Tradem, Fabio, Fux, Intim, Miop, Nerva, Longin, Un singuratic, Scrib etc.

As of 1973, the TRAIAN DEMETRESCU CULTURE HOUSE, functions in the building.

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