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The Tricule Citadel, 4 km from SviniţaCod 1426

Currently the building of the Tricule Citadel is in the Danube water, while the southern tower is totally under water. They are placed in the corners of a triangle.

Conventionally, they received the names of no.1 (the north west tower), no.2 (the north east) and no.3 (the southern). The dimensions of tower 1 were of 6,7 x 6,5m with a height of 10 m and unlike the other two towers, built right on the cliff, this one is placed on a layer of yellow land and its foundation had on its southern side the deplh of 1m. Tower 2 is preserved in all its height and also has its entire crowning.

The dimensions of tower 2 are of 7,2 X 6,3m and its height is of 11m. For the crowning roman brick was used, as well as for the other two towers and the msonry keeps the traces of the beams of the scaffolding used to build them. What is interesting is that neither of the towers seem to have traces of stoves or chimneys, which could have been a precious proof of their use for residential purposes.

Tower 3 was brought down by the Danube ices in the year of 1924, his print on the ground being documented only in the general plan published in 1979. Its dimensions are of 7 x 7,5m and they had a height of 3 m in 1970. The walls of all towers are 1.4 m thick and they had 3 interior levels, of which the first was used as a storage room and did not communicate with the exterior.

The entry inside the towers was arranged on one of the floor of the first floor, in the shape of an opening of 1m x 1,9m, with the embrasure widened towards the interior.

The field around the three towers could only be archeologically searched though two sections in 1970 because the next year the Danube had already flooded the fortification and the building site could not be kept.

The diluvial erosion took the archeological materials to the base of the cliff base, which is why they were found in a econdary position and at different heights, etween1.2 and 2.4 m. This is how the hallstatiene and roman ceramical materials, especially amphora rests from the 2nd and 3rd centuries, are mixed with the feudal ones from the 11th to the 13th centuries. Also, near the towers, at the 1004 fluvial km and at 7 km north of the current home of the Svinița village they discovered 10 tombs of adults and children, oriented towards the east west and with no inventory, dating to the 13th century and are covered by a 17th – 18th century levels.

There were no ties formulated between these 10 tombs and the Tricule towers, in whose vecinity they are, reason for which we could think that they could have belonged to some residents of the villages near by, submissive to a nobleman or not who could have had a residence in Tricule. The tower arrangements or lack of residential ones, would plea for their strictly military use, with the only reserve that, as we already mentioned, the general description of the towers seems to be done after tower 2. In modern times, at Tricule, Austrian frontier guards of the Svinița – Berzasca – Drencova area also stood guard.


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