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The Assumption of Mary Church, Gura VăiiCod 1466

The Assumption of Mary Church from the locality Gura Văii was built in the XXth century following the needs of the inhabitants of having a place of worship. This was executed with the support of the inhabitants. Gura Văii is a component locality of the municipality Drobeta Turnu Severin from Oltenia. Here was built the hydro technical complex from Porțile de Fier.

The hydroelectric power plant Porțile de Fier I is the biggest hydroelectric power plant from the river the Danube and it has an installed power of 1080 MW. Downstream there also exists the Hydroelectric Power Plant Porțile de Fier II, with the installed power of 250 MW. Both the hydroelectric power plants are exploited in partnership with the Serbian part, the Romanian and Serbian plants at Porțile de Fier cumulating 2160 MW, and the ones from Porțile de Fier II cumulating 500 MW; the maximum capacity of the turbines is of 8700 m2/s. The power plant Porțil de Fier I is situated at 15 km downstream the city Drobeta Turnu Severin, and the power plant Porțile de Fier II at 60 km downstream.

The navigation on the Danube is ensured by flood gates executed on both the rivers at both the objectives, they having together a capacity of traffic of 52.4 million tons/years for the lockage on one sense a time and 37.2 million tones/year for the lockage on both the senses. The system Porțile de Fier I is one of the biggest hydro technical constructions from Europe and the biggest from the Danube. Its barrier lake with a volume of over 2200 millions mc is extended from the barrier until the confluence with the river Tisa. The lake comprises in principal the area of the Danube Defile, the biggest defile from Europe, comprised between the localities Buziaș and Orșova. The area Porțile de Fier has a rich archeological, historical and tourist potential. For protecting its special natural habitat, the area of the defile of the Danube was included in the Natural Park Porțile de Fier.

The area of the Danube Defile represents one of the most picturesque and attractive touristic area, through his natural beauties of the region, as well as through the historical monuments dating back to the period of the Roman Empire. The ruins of the Roman castrum Drobeta and of the bride built by the Roman Emperor Traian over the Danube are only a few of the attractions offered by the Museum Porțile de Fier from the city Drobeta Turnu – Severin.



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