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Severin Episcopacy, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1435

Severin and Strehaia Episcopacy was refounded after 600 years. It has jurisdiction over all the church units in Mihedinti county. The diocese has 5 archbishoprics containing: 500 parrishes, 148 subsidiriaries, 11 convents and 220 priests.

After adress no. 959/2003, sent by Craiova Archbishopric, taking into account the desire of the clergy and of the congregation from Mehedinti county regarding the restoration of the historical existence of the old dioceses (Severin Metropolitan and Strehaia Episcopacy), for reasons of missionary, pastoral, administrative, church, cultural historic and geographical orders, the Saint Synod of the Romanian Orthodox church, in the working meeting of March 4th and 5th March 2003 approved the financing request of the Severin and Strehaia Episcopacy, with residence in Drobeta-Turnu Severin, as suffragan of the Oltenia Metropolitan, with jurisdiction in the Mehedinti county, by separating it from the Craiova Archbishopric.

Regarding the registration of the general Diptych of the Romanian Orthodox church of the new diocese, it was set that its place be after Maramureşului and Sătmarului Diocese and before the Sloboziei and Călăraşilor Diocese. The Saint Synod decision was ratified by the Church National assembly in its working meeting on March 6th 2003.

On October 9th 2003 there were elections in ten electoral districts organized in Mehedinti county for its clergy and lay men, delegated in the diocese assembly of the new bishopric. During the first meeting of the new Diocese assembly, on October 23rd under the presidium of his holiness Teofan, the Oltenia Metropolitan, there were four comissions formed: church, cultural, economic, of organization and validation; the Diocese assembly office. In that same meeting were elected the three representatives (one clergy and two laymen) in the Diocese assembly, as well as the members of the Counsil and the Diocese Consistory.

On December 12th 2003, under the presidium of his holiness Teofan, the replacement of the Severin and Strehaia bishopric, the founding meeting of the Diocese Counsil of the new bishopric.

On February 11th 2004, the Church electoral college elected as bishop his holiness Nicodim Nicolăescu. His instatement occured on April 25th 2004, in the bishop cathedral in Drobeta-Turnu Severin. His election was recognized by the Romanian authorities through decree no 265 of April 22nd 2004, published in the Official monitor on April 23rd 2004.

Currently the administrative activity of the Severin and Strehaia Episcopacy is held in Drobeta Turnu Severin, where the Diocese center is.

There are five activity fields: administrative, media, economic, cultural, educational and social.

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