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The Drobeta Thermals, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1448

These are the most complex thermal instalations in Lower Dacia. Today, less than half of the thermal ruin remin. It seems that they were used by soldiers stationed in the Drobeta camp, as well as by civilians. They were built by soldiers of the V Macedonica legion at the same time as the camp and at the beginning of the 3rd century they were restored and „updated” by a detachment of the I Sagittariorum coort lead by Aurelius Mercurius, magister in Figlinis (brick maker foreman).

Aside from the common endowments of thermals, like the fire room (PRAEFURNIUM), the steam room (LACONICUM), bathroom (CALDARIUM), cold water room (FRIGIDARIUM) and others, on the north side there were reading rooms and  space for exercizing and sporting competitions, PALESTRA.

The archeological research done by history specialists from the Edinburgh university and the „Vasile Pârvan” archeology institute in Bucharest dicovered in the Schela Cladovei archeological site (current neighborhood in Severin), human traces from the Paleolithic era.

The archeological inventory emerged revealed the beginning of the primitive man life, his passing to the harvester, fisherman and hunter status, to a modern sedentary civilization.

Another important discovery was the one of a 8000 (b.C) Homo Sapiens. The first diggings on the Schela Cladovei archeological site were done by historian Vasile Boroneanț, starting with 1960. In time there were 65 graves dating from the 7300 – 6300 b.C discovered. Radioactive carbon dating of the archeological samples confirm the aproximately 8000 year oldness. Later on, on today’s Severin ground there was the Roman camp Drobeta in ancient times.

The Drobeta camp is the first urban center as military, economic and religious importance from the Olteniei and Banatului region and the third urban center in Dacia, after Sarmizegetusa and Apullum. In 126 a.C, under emperor Hadrian’s ruling (117-138 a.C), the Drobeta camp (14000 inhabitants is raised to town level Municipium Publium Aelium Hadrianum Drobetense) and later under emperor Septimius Severus (193-211 a.C), in 193 a.C it is raised to colony status. At the middle of the 3rd century, the Drobeta colony was spread across 60 ha and had an aproximately 40000 inhabitants population. The Roman emperors, even during Dacia’s abandoment, continued to redo and maintain some important fortresses north of the Danube, like Drobeta.


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