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Saint Parascheva Church, BuiceștiCod 1418

Under the pastorate of the priest Ilie Dumitrescu was built up from brick wall on the place of an old small church, this church with the titular saint of “Saint Pious Parascheva” by the Christians of the village Buicești. Before finishing the holy place of worship, the priest dies, the work being accomplished by his descendant to the pastorate, the priest Dimitrie Nicolau, and the consecration was made in the year 1900 by the rank D. Golia.

In the years of the First World War, the invaders used as a stable of horses the church, and after the passing of the wrath, there were made reparations and the holy place of worship was re-consecrated by the rank iconom, Ștefan Pârligras, as delegate of His Eminence Vartolomeu, bishop of Oltenia. Throughout the times there serviced with honor and dignified of memorial the priests: Ilie Dumitrescu, Dimitrie Nicolau, I.Bălăcescu, Ştefan Ionaşcu, C. Paulian, Aristide Muja, A.Petrescu, Ilie Lăcătuşu, Benedict Muscalenco, Gheorghe Roşoga, Nicolae Safta, Dumitru Munteanu, Emilian Balana and in the month of November 2010 it was given by God His Eminence the Priest Nicodim, Bishop of Severin and of Strehaia to accomplish the holy ones in the place of worship of God, the parish priest Marinescu Daniel Vasile.

The earthquake from the year 1940 produced numerous damages to the church, but by the ambition of the parish priest from that times and the efforts of the Christians there were performed the necessary reparations. The earthquake from the 4th of March 1977 also produced damages, some of them being reconditioned, and the earthquake from the 30th of August 1986 left behind a deep crack in the iconostasis of the church.

In the year 1942 there was built near the church a wooden bell tower on a concrete foundation and there was set an iron gate, both of them being replaced later on with an iron pyramid graphic and a new gate, and the church courtyard being surrounded by a concrete fence.

Butoiești is a commune in the county of Mehedinți, Oltenia, Romania, formed from the villages Arginești, Buicești, Butoiești (the residence), Gura Motrului, Jugastru, Pluta, Răduțești and Țânțaru. In Butoiești there are comprised the small villages Popești, Ștefanu and Tabla.

According to the census performed in the year 2011, the population of the commune Butoiești was up to 3.344 inhabitants, decreasing from the previous census from 2002, when there were registered 3.542 inhabitants. The majority of the inhabitants are Romanian (92, 91%), with a minority of Gypsies (4, 16%). For 2, 9% of the population, the ethnical affiliation isn’t known. From the confessional point of view, the majority of the inhabitants are Orthodox (92, 85) %), with a minority of Pentecostals (4, 04%). For 2, 9% of the population, the confessional affiliation isn’t known.

One of the most important personalities of the locality is Constantin Rădulescu – Motru (1868 – 1957), philosopher, psychologist, educator, academician and president of the Romanian Academy between the years 1938 – 1940, marking personality of Romania of the first half of the XXth century.

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