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„Invierea Domnului” Church, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1442

The wish to build a Cathedral in Drobeta Turnu Severin manifested after the 1989 revolution, when Severin priest Constantin Inescu raised the issue of building a new cathedral in town, which only had four churches.

In 1992, the „Învierea Domnului” parrish was founded and the Diocese Counsil Permanence of the Craiova Archbishopric decided that father Ioan Tobă be named parrish and handle the future catherdal building. After obtaining the land in the center of town, in April 1994, his holiness father Nestor Vornicescu – Oltenia Metropolitan set the ground stone for the new cathedral.

On april 23rd 2002, his holiness father Teofan sanctified the church, dedicated to “ÎnviereaDomnului”, in the basement of the building and the future cathedral to be dedicated to Saint George – protector of Severin.

After a period in which the construction works were interrupted due to the lack of funds, at the same time that the Severin and Strehaia Episcopacy was recreated and instating father Nicodim as parrish of this diocese, the construction works on the cathedral were begun, having the support of the public authorities support and that of some sponsors and congregation from Mehedinti.

In the church in the basement of the cathedral the daily masses are done in the mornings, evenings and on Sundays, transformed in a live broadcast on the Radio station „Lumina” of the Severin and Strehaia Episcopacy.

In 1990 although the number of inhabitants of Severin had tripled compaired to that of 1948, there were only three orthodox churches and a chapel in the Orthodox Cemetary of the town. In 1992 the “Sf. Ilie Tesviteanul” church building begins. In 1995, the building of the “Nașterea Maicii Domnului” episcopal cathedral begins. On March 4th and 5th 2003, the Romanian Orthodox Church Synod approved the request to create the Severin and Strehaia Episcopacy, as suffragan of the Oltenia Metropolitan.

The Saint Synod decision was ratified by the Church National assembly on March 6th 2003. On December 12th 2003, under the presidium of his holiness Teofan, the replacement of the Severin and Strehaia bishopric, the founding meeting of the Diocese Counsil of the new bishopric. On February 11th 2004, the Church electoral college elected as bishop his holiness Nicodim Nicolăescu. His instatement occured on April 25th 2004, in the bishop cathedral in Drobeta-Turnu Severin.


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