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The Elementary School for Boys, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1445

The elementary school for boys is guarded by the imposing Water castle built in 1909, a landmark in the town of Severin.

As a public institution, it was founded in 1891, with the name of The elementary school for girls, no.3. With this name, education grades and activity profile. The school functioned until 1948, when it was transformed into the Elementary school nr.3 for girls of 7 years, grades 5-7 being equivalent to the elementary or junior high courses. The archive fund kept only in part, it shows that the school functioned with four temporary teachers until 1927, when to the primary classes the complementary 5 to 7 grades course. Between 1953 and 1956, Elementary school no. 3 functioned under the name School for girls no.5 and between 1956 and 1957 it became Mixted school no. 3, as it is named today.

From the archive documents, we see that the school was built by entreprenours Angelo and Giovani Viecelli from Galaţi, on the same spot where they are today. The building, where the courses are held today, was finalized in 1907. Nowadays, the school has 13 classrooms, an IT lab (and soon the second one will be put in use), a physics nd chemistry lab, a library and a new gym, inaugurated on June 1st 2007.

From 2001, the Drobeta Turnu Severin city hall began an extensive general repair process. The school is thusly equipped with new furniture. Also, the didactic and material base was updated and completed in the last years.

The active education institutions at this time in the city of Drobeta Turnu Severin are: The„Traian” National College, The „Th. Costescu” Economic National College, The„Gh. Tițeica” National College, The„Decebal” school group, The „Domnul Tudor” school group, The „Ion Ștefan Paulian” Art high school, The „Ștefan Odobleja” National College, Children’s palace.

Drobeta-Turnu Severin (until 1972: Turnu Severin) is the town residence of Mehedinți county.

The town developped near the Drobeta Roman camp, becoming from an initial strategic point a crossroads town of roads on land and water that lead north and south of the Danube. During the ancient Roman times, it became the first urban center in the region and the third in Dacia, after Sarmizegetusa and Apullum. During Hadrian’s reign the town was declaired city (121) when its population reached 14000 inhabitants. During Septimiu Sever it was raised to colony (in 193) which granted the town inhabitants the same rights as the citizens of Rome.

Mid 3rd century, Drobeta extended on 60 ha and has aproximately 40000 inhabitants. The camp was ruined by barbarians and repetedly rebuilt during the late ancient times, permanently cancelling its garrison rank in 602. In the middle ages The Hungarian kingdome built the Severin fortress, which was destroyed by the Roman Empire in 1526.

On April 23rd 1833 Turnu Severin was founded again, when king Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica issued the town foundation document. The initial plan of the city was thought out by architect Xavier Villacrosse, seconded by engineer Moritz von Ott, care of the king at the time, Barbu Știrbei. In 1841, the county capital moved from Cerneți to Turnu Severin.


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