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Heroes’ Monument, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1437

The monument was raised immediately after WWI (1930-1933). The project of construction of a heroes’ monument was created in 1924, when the local commitee of the “Cultul Eroilor” society adressed some architects for reffered proposal plans.

The decision to built the document was taken May 27th 1927, with the election of a new commitee of the “Cultul Eroilor” society. In 1928 the commitee decided to make the necessary interventions to the Severin city hall to obtain a space in the Rose Park for the placing of the monument.

On June 10th 1929 it was decided for the monument to be placed in the Rose Park, in front of Iorgu Tache Popescu and Dimitrie Burileanu’s houses. The monument was finished by mid June 1933, the year of the 100 year anniversary the town of Turnu Severin.

The heroes’ monument was inaugurated on June 4th 1933. It contains a beautiful crypt that houses the bones of Severin and Mehedinti heroes fallen in the WWI battles in Alion, Cerna, Câmpia Severinului.

The monument of the Mehedinți heroes’ of WWI was unveiled October 25th 1933, in the presence of king Carol II.

After 1990 the monument regained its place in the Severin and Mehedinti public conscience, being a place to recollect and return to the glory and to the perennial romanian values.

Romania’s participation to WWI contains all of the measures and actions of political, diplomatic and military orders taken by the Romanian state, alone or with its allies, between July 28th 1914 and Novemebr 11th 1918, in order to reach the main political goal of the participation in the war – constituting the Romanian unified national state.

As far as the war status is concerned, Romania was: neutral between July 28th 1914 and August 27th 1916, at war for Antanta between August 27th 1916 and November 27th 1917, truce state between November 27th 1917 and May 7th 1918, non combatant state between May 7th 1918 and November 9th 1918, at war for Antanta between November 9th and Novemeber 11th 1918.

In August 1916, Romania receives a „now or never” ultimatum to decide whether to join Antanta. Under the ultimatum pressure, the Romanian government accepts to join the war on Antanta’s side, although the situation on the battle fronts was not the best.

Romania joined the war at an inconvenient time. It is said that if it had joined the war on Antanta’s side in 1914 or 1915, Serbia’s conquer could have been avoided. At the beginning of 1916, the Romanians could have supported the Brusilov offence. The main cause of the delayed entry in the war was the general distrust of the political leaders and Romanian soldiers in Russia.


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