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The Pentecost Church, Gârla MareCod 1509

The commune Gârla Mare has a quite ancient past. In the center of the commune near the principal highroad there is situated the construction of the same courtyard with the Congregation church also the Pentecost Church, historical monument.

The position of the old establishment of the commune was a completely different one than the one from nowadays. The first accommodations are found on the southern versant, at a secure place from the floods of the Danube.

After the putting into the possession of land from 1864, the village’s fireplace has changes, and the first establishments were grouped surrounding the new church which was built higher on the plateau. Throughout the times this church also was damaged. On the same place it is said the fact that the otilișan owners from this place saw the need of the inhabitants and built the church which continue even in our days.

From the synodic drafted by the Priest Nicolae Blujdescu, which was the priest starting with the year 1911 and asked the old people, it stands out the fact that this church is built up on the foundation of another older church, which is why it has two titular saints of the “Pentecost” and “the Holy Trinity”.

According to the inscription of the church, the foundation stone was put in the year 1836, and the construction was finalized in 1838.

The church is built of burned brick with chalk mortar, covered with plates, having the shape of a ship.

In the front it is provided with a passage over which it raises a square tower covered with plates, which, due to the use, collapsed. The space between the columns is which support the roof of the passage and the tower was later closed with bricks and there were added windows and doors in order to spatially enlarge, fact which became a necessity once with the growth of the population.

The church is divided between the narthex, nave and altar. The separating wall between the narthex and the nave is built of brick, thick of 0, 80 m and pierce on one part and the other of an entrance between the middle by two windows.

The walls are straight, and the arches are simple, slightly arched. The iconostasis is executed from the bricks with slightly deep bays and built up on which it was painted after the iconography demanded by the Orthodox style.

The entire painting, in the interior, as well as at the exterior is in mural painting according to an ascetic Byzantine style with following the iconography.

All the inscriptions of the saints and the inscription are made with Cyrillic letters. In the narthex, on the walls there are painted the founders: “Crucerul Seroan Otitelișanu, Miss Crucereasca Ruxandra Otitelișanca, the son Sardaru Constantin Otitelișanul, the son Camuinaru Iancu Otitelișanu, the wife Saftica Zetserdaru Dumitrache Polizu, the wife Luta, Din Otitelișanu, the sister Catinca Cuzasea, the niece Cristita Nicolae Vladaianu, the wife Stana D. Postelnicu, Nicolae Scafes (the son) the wife leanca”.

Neither in the interior of the church and in its surrounding there aren’t tombs of the founders and of other people.

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