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Saint Gheorghe Church, HinovaCod 1467

The Congregation Hinova is formed by three suburbs – Seliștea, Urziștea and Rudaria, named therefore because of the fact that is formed only from cloth, layer, spoon and skirts masters. The two suburbs Urziștea and Rudaria are separated from the suburb Saliștea from the creek named until the year 1965 when its channel was concreted, cloudy water.

The church of the congregation Hinova, built up from burned brick and stone foundation, has the shape of a cross and it is covered with plates, having the titular saint of Saint Gheorghe.

The church was built between the years 1900 and 1904 on the place of the old church from bars, which had the titular saint of Saint Nicholas. This little church was brought from the old village Calateu in the new village from the Valley of the Danube – Hinova in the year 1845 according to the document note found written on one of the foils of the old ritual and namely the “High Mass which is serviced by the priests from this village with the titular saint of saint Nicholas and which move here in the Valley of the Danube in 1845 November the 8th. Dumitru Draghici from Hinova.”

The initiative of building the church was taken by the efforts of the Service priest of the congregation Ion Hinovescu deceased, helped by a committee which helped at organizing the fund raising from the church goers of the congregation and from the neighboring villages and at finishing the entire work.

The church was consecrated in the year 1904 by His Eminence the Holy Bishop of Râmnic D.D. Antim.

The church painting was the initial one in oil “Tătărescu style” and it was executed in the year 1903 by the diplomat painter from Severin Frederich Waidingher.

Saint Gheorghe Church is the church of the congregation of Hinova which has a number of 400 families.

Hinova is a commune in the county Mehedinți, Oltenia, Romania, formed by the villages Bistrița, Cârjei, Hinova (the residence) and Ostrovu Corbului.

According to the census executed in 2011, the population of the commune Hinova was up to 2.849 inhabitants, decreasing in comparison with the previous census from 2002, when there were registered 2.865 inhabitants.

The majority of the inhabitants are Romanian (97, 72%). For 2, 18% of the population, the ethnical affiliation isn’t known. From the confessional point of view, the majority of the inhabitants are Orthodox (96, 49%). For 2, 18% of the population, the confessional affiliation isn’t known.


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