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The Adormirea Maicii Domnului Church, AlexandriaCod 1520

The church was founded by Raşcu Ivan Galina and his wife, Anica.

The church construction began in 1853 next to a very old ruin of a church in the Băcăleşti neighborhood in the most suthern part of town and was completed in 1860.

On December 6th 1860 it was sanctified by Metropolitan Nifon. In 1890 the church was damaged by a fire and needed repairs, executed that same year.

In 1891 it was covered with tin again. In 1902 the cupola was built, the facade was redone and a little porch was built.

Between 1935-1936 the church was restored and painted by painter Gheorghe Albani.

In 1943 his holiness Miron Cristea resanctified it after some of the painting scenes were damaged in the 1940 earthquake and redone by painter Ştefan Panciu from Alexandria

After the 1977 earthquake the church was consolidated on the outside and inside and in 1983 the painting was restored by painter Voicu Pascu from Alexandria in the time of parrish priest Petre Muşat.

In 2000 the exterior was redone and in 2002 the painting was reconditioned. On October 19th 2002, the church was resanctified by his holiness Galaction Stângă, Bishop of Alexandria and Teleorman.

The church celebrates Adormirea Maicii Domnului. It is built in brick with sand and lime mortar, walls being about 60 cm thick.

The church has 9 windows. The church tower is placed above the narthex and covered in tin like the church. The altar screen is wood.

The Holy Mary icon considered to be miracle making is also found in the church.

Priests : Gheorghe Georgescu, Niculae Duhovnicul, Vasile Vlase Duhovnicul, Teodor Vlădescu, Alexandru Popescu, Ioan Moisescu, Gheorghe Voivozeanu, Abdie Demetrian, Ştefan Popescu, Gheorghe Stăiculescu, Ioan Drăgănescu, Vişan Ion, Petre Muşat, Ion Sandu, Dumitru Lazăr, Ianc Ţale, Alin Mihai and Adrian Doncea.

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