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The Memoial House of Iancu Jianu, CaracalCod 1586

Massive and having a special form of manorial style cula, the house was probably built by the butler Costache Jianu Iancu’s father, in the late eighteenth century, being a building with ground, floor and a basement. The ground floor has the decking below ground level by 20 centimeters and consists of three rooms of modest size, probably kitchen and food storage areas, the main entrance with having solid oak doors hinged iron hand crafted by blacksmiths of the period. Upstairs are three living rooms and a patio enclosed by glass that is oriented to the north, as the main entrance to the house. The cellar is equipped with battlements in the south wall and small windows, probably used in case of a siege. The monumental ensemble includes the house, the outbuildings of the house and the hut. In this house has spent a part of his life, Iancu Jianu, a historical person of Caracal which came from a family of medium-sized landowners whose members have fulfilled various positions both in addition to reign, as well as in local government of the county Iancu was the youngest of the four children of cupbearer Costache Jianu. He was born in Caracal in 1787. A strong character, at age of 23, Iancu Jianu becomes an outlaw and fighter for the justice for those in need. It is said that he had sworn before the priest Antonie Bazaclin- Painter from monastery Surpatele (unde era stareţă Agapia Jianu, Jienilor mother’s sister), to fight to the death against “Phanariot upstarts nation “ which oppresed the romanian people.

He had the qualities of a good horseman and shooter, and in appearance, Ion Ghica described him as being „a short man, dumpy, ruddy-faced, red and with a thick and short mustache”  dressed with ” Dulama, trousers and knee-long, a cap on his head, waist guns and a knife with bone handles and a gun in balance in his right hand“. For seven years he was arrested several times and released as many times, each time escaping unpunished because his brothers achieve remission. He was an active participant with the rank of captain in the army of Tudor Vladimirescu in 1821. In 1823 he retired to the mansion in the outskirts of village Fălcoiu, dying on 14th December 1842 at the age of 55.

He is buried in Caracal, and in the wall of the church ” Adormirea Maicii Domnului”, foundation of the Jieni, is embedded the funeral board of Iancu Jianu.

In 1949iancu Jianu’s house was still inhabited, the last owner being Gica Dobruneanu. Today, after construction started in June 1957, the house has three entrances, one from the cellar.

Became after reconstruction, memorial section „Iancu Jianu“ of Romanitium  museum, which was inaugurated on September 29th, 1959, the house itself and its valuable pieces included in stock (inkpot and brush, flintlock pistols, the flint, girdle,  water bludgeon, personal items, furniture and household items, photos and documents of the Jianu family), convincingly illustrates the lifestyle and social unrest of the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century. In the courtyard was brought from the edge of Caracal „Crucea Jienilor“, made of two blocks of mountain limestone, one for the mill and the second for cross itself. In front of the cross are visible traces of an inscription erased by time that can not be read. At the bottom next to the mill  it can be discerned the year of construction: 1844.

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