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The Lighthouse, CaracalCod 1599

Lighthouse or fire gazebo, a high tower, circular, with a surveillance platform, was built in 1901on the place of Michael the Brave’s palace near the city Fire Command, which is coordinated by the City Hall.  From there, from the platform, the guard watched the city and gave the alarm when he observed a possible fire. The firefighting service functioned until 1936, when all units of firefighters were militarized. Fire service personnel included a master, its aid and 40 firefighters. The command had 6 sacales, 2 repulsive vacuum pumps, a carriage for tools and ladders and 22 horses. Over time it has been used a lot, from it, the surroundings of the village, can be seen even up to a distance of 25 km. Everything was observed from this tower in which was standing a firefighter who gave the alarm if he saw smoke or flames or he  announced those who had various obligations in extinguishing fire. The restoration of the turret roof, to glaze it, was attempted about 13 years ago. Following that there was going to be established a department of theRomanat Museum  exactly a Firefighters Museum, a department liaison between local government, firefighters, museum. The scale is snail-shaped, but today is decommissioned and dangerous climb. Nowadays, the building is no longer used, it is kept as a monument of architecture, and asan evidence of a certain level of civilization of society and the Fire Headquarters building no longer exists, in its place is Polyvalent Hall, and the High School Michael the Brave. A few years after the gazebo lost its initial utility, when it no longer fulfilled the function for which it was built, there was a fire inside it. The first fire station troops in Olt county were set up in 1925 in  Slatina and in 1936 in Caracal. Today, Caracal Fire Service is subordinated to the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Olt county having the name of Garda no. 1 Caracal intervention.

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