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Romanați Museum, CaracalCod 1593

The idea of founding a museum in our city appeared in the second half of the nineteenth century, when the Roman remains at Romula became subject of intrest of some outstanding archaeologists outstanding of the time. Alexandru Odobescu in his wok , called “Antiquities of the county Romanaţi” published in 1877, talked about the many vestiges of the past descovered in the county Romanaţi and he defined „antiquarian character of one of the most interesting districts of the country “. Many valuable pieces discovered in the county went into private collections ,were lost or were transported to foreign countries.

Later, in 1900, the magistrate from Caracal Ion Hagiescu-Mirişte, intellectual with a multilateral training and passionate of plastic arts, bought a house on Crin street and arranged it for exhibition of paintings and works of sculpture. He wanted that the purchased works of art to be visited by people and thereby to help the formation of their aesthetic education. It has passed away in 1922 without being able to see his desire of establish a museum in the city that he had adopted over 27 years ago. The lack of concern for culture and art, of the county and city leaders, in that period, made impossible the idea of founding a museum. Meanwhile his wife and legal heirs, alienated many works of art. On 26th September 1949 the Romanaţ Museum was founded, the museum organized in a building in the center of the city, built in the second half of the nineteenth century, where the exhibition area contained two rooms for the two sections that it had: history and fine arts. History department had exposed 65 objects, which formed the nucleus of the museum. Section of art took over 27 fine paintings signed by N. Dărăscu, C. D. Stahi, O. Obedeanu, N. Grimani, Ambrosini  and others, from what was left of  Hagiescu-Mirişte’s collection. Romanaţi Museum it is organized on the model of a local museum representing the region of the former county of Romanati with all his eventful history that has left traces more or less visible and which should be known by followers. Today the museum is organized in four sections: archeology-history department ; memorial section “Iancu Jianu” department of fine arts; ethnography department. Department of archeology and has a collection of over 20,000 pieces of great value, some with an age of 6,000 years, exhibited in eight halls with an area of over 400 square meters. Each of the eight rooms of the museum has a theme well defined and richly illustrated with images, documents, maps and texts of great value, objects of different materials and ages, costumes, uniforms and weapons, works of art, all related to the history, life socio-economic life and culture of former county Romanaţi, crossing periods of development of this area, from the Paleolithic to the modern age. In the collection of Romanaţi Museum there are 510 inventory items, including more than 460 paintings by romanian and foreign artists, numerous sculptures, paintings on wood and old icons, tapestries.

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