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National College „Radu Greceanu”, SlatinaCod 1670

National College “Radu Greceanu” from Slatina with an age of 130 years, is a school standard of the county, where teachers and students achieve exceptional results in the work of training and education.
For Slatinabut also for a large part of South East Oltenia, name of the institution “Radu Greceanu” is a brand. Radu Greceanu Greceanu is a chronicler, author of “Anonymous Brancoveanu” from 1711, in which talks about the reign of Constantin Brancoveanu, and author of the manuscript “Chronicle of the first dismounting of Romanians and their settlement in Roamanian Country”. The scribe Radu Greceanu, together with his brother the scribe Serban Greceanu, took part, along with Constantin Cantacuzino in Bible translation in Bucharest – the first entire edition in romanian language of the text of Holy Scripture. The book was translated from the Septuagint text, and appeared in 1688. The establishment in 1884 of the Real Gymnasium in Slatina, the first name under which has functioned this educational establishment, at a time when within the whole Kingdom of Romania there were only 12 classical humanities gymnasiums and 6 real gymnasiums, meant for Slatina and for Olt county an event which has left its mark on the entire subsequent development. The initiative belonged to a group of visionaries, among which stands out by their insistences the brothers Nae and Tache Protopopescu – important political and cultural personalities of the time, for which serving their comunity was a principle of life. In 1915, the gymnasium was transformed in high school. The construction of the gymnasium began in August of 1889 and was completed in the fall of 1891, showing the central building with the front side leveled, the two wings without level and without the two rooms (right – left) that were added many years later. This is the real infrastructure of the Slatina’s gymnasium at its beginning as educational institution.
Under the strict supervision of works by director Traian Biju is achieved the adding of additional floors atop of the right wing – on the east (1923 – 1925), of left wing – on the west (1925 – 1926) and also, in the summer of 1925 is being rebuilt the central staircase to give access to the teachers, upstairs, as it remained today. All this represents the second step towards realizing the infrastructure of the High School “Radu Greceanu”. In the history of school infrastructure then follows another two important moments of relevance: first, the reconstruction of the amphitheater from its foundation, in 1933 and then the building of the third immovable, the boarding school. In the school year 1958 – 1959 school population reaches a spectacular growth rate as a result of its merger with the high school for girls. This is the moment when was madethe mixing throughout the country (boys and girls at the same school) – for the first time – in the history of Romanian secondary school.

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