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Stone Fortress Botunya, MontanaCod 2114

The ancient and medieval fortress “Gradishte” is located 0.85 km west in a straight line from the center of the village on the rocky plateau Botunya.
The fortress has the shape of an irregular polygon. Southern and eastern slopes are rocky and steep and on the south, underneath the castle is, also the river Botunya. From the west dam, below, there is a double wall of the fortress. The inner wall is separated by a moat on the outside and thinner. The entrance is from the west, and has on the flanks, towers. The ruins of the ancient fortress have been declared a cultural monument in 1969.
In the rocks below, the castle has three caves. They are accessible from the top through large openings carved into the rock, after having been used by the inhabitants of the castle. Two of them are called “Caves” and the third one “Western hole”. The latest findings were the prehistoric settlements.

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