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Canetti House, RuseCod 2301

Canetti Trade House is the trading house of Elias Canetti Abram – the Nobel laureate’s grandfather for literature, Elias Canetti. It was built in 1898 by the architect from Ruse, Negohos Bedrossian.
Today, the building is frecvently a place for the venue for informal arts events organized by “Canetti” company. The site is included on the route of the city – “Buildings – European heritage”.
The house is declared a cultural monument.

Elias Canetti is a writer in German languge (fictionist, essayist, a playwright), born in Bulgaria (then with the Turkish passport and British citizenship), Sefardo-Hebrew origin.

In 1981, Elias Canetti has received the Nobel prize for literature for his entire work, caracterized by vision, ideological wealth and artistic power. Known are its words: „Everything I experienced later, it was already happened in Ruschuk”. At a ceremony in Stockholm, he said: „Today, after the events of Hiroshima, and everyone knows what war is and just the fact that everyone knows this is actualy the our only hope”.

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