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The Road for Mountain Bike Chiprovtsi – Gorni Lom (Prevala) – Chiprovtsi, MontanaCod 2197

This route will take you to the highest point of the entire route network in the Balkans – the top Gorno Yazovo. The first kilometers you will go on the road to Martinovo and then near the abandoned mine then you will make right to enter the route Gorno Yazovo. The route will take you on a curved mountain road well maintained. Shortly before the final assault of peak Gorno Yazovo you can do right fo a fabulous descent in the Prevala village or you can continue the ascending on the 1572m mountain that has a great view. Then comes the beauty part – the descent into the village of Gorni Lom. Beware of the grooves from the curves! Here you can rest at the householders or if you have enough energy you can continue to the cottage Gorski Heaven (Paradise Forest) or to Chuprene.

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