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The Church from Krasen VillageCod 2304

Krasen Village stands from the creation of Bulgaria as a state, in the immediate vicinity are the ruins of ancient settlements of Krasen. Under it was discovered the monument of a warrior in armor from the time of the First Bulgarian Empire, and close to it there are some gutters stone – altars. During the reign of tsar Asen the IInd, the future patriarch Yoakam I had dug a cell in the rocks above Krasen, and later, with the help of the Tsar he founded the monastery of “St. Archangel Michael ” near Ivanovo Village.
The church in the village of Krasen is one of the few built in the XVIIth century. Almost all churches in Polomieto villages were built in the nineteenth century. This one has a single nave, a single apse and it is built in stone used used for tombstones before that. According to a local legend, our Lord has been built a monastery of the the souls of men in Heaven, and as a result, people have built a house of the Lord from tombstones.
Ruse soft limestone is fit for easy processing – over the centuries in Krasen village s has grown a school of craftsmen and stone masons who sold monuments and stones in northern part of Bulgaria – from the Iskar River to Dobrogea. P On the outside walls of the church can be seen several writens and drawings in graphite. Some of them have preserved the historical memory of the village– writens left by priests and students, of which one belongs to Nikola fromElena, has copied the Slavonic-Bulgarian History by Paisiy Hilendarski.

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