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Cathedral dedicated to “Sveta Troitsa” (“Trinity”)Cod 2321

The Orthodox Church “St. Troitsa” from Russian was built in 1632.
In the southwest corner of dedication is a room called “catacomb”. The history of its construction is quite unclear. Is supposedly a V century catacomb or a medieval church, later included in the church today. During Ottoman rule, it was made an easier decision to build a new church, then before that there was one, getting better the old one. Christians have probably used the Russian old catacomb to build the church.
Patron today is a basilica with three naves with dimensions of 15.60 / 31.20 m. Two rows of columns divide seven ships. The ship in the middle is higher. The exterior is poor and inexpressive. Buried four and a half meters below the court due to the Turkish authority requirements. Through donations there were built two chapels. One was dedicated to St. Aleksandar Neviski and was consecrated on 5 August 1884. It did not work in 1979 and in 1983 was rebuilt and, in this exhibition the museum was moved to the church plate, icons and old books. The second chapel is dedicated to the brothers Cyril and Methodius. It was consecrated on March 16, 1886 by Bishop Gregory. Wooden ladders that are entering the church were separated by railing and were replaced with stone. Above this was a beautiful dome built in Russian style. Probably at the same time, it was built and belfry. Stones for its fortification are from city fortification Rouschouk are gathered as decided by the Congress of Berlin in July 1878. Today, there are five bells in the belfry. Very original iconostasis dedication. It is not yet clarified its origin, made in 1805-1807. Then the icons were painted. Between 1989 – 2000, it was done a total restoration of the iconostasis.
Dedication walls were painted in 1934 by prof. Stefan Ivanov Gospodin Zhelyazkov. In 1870 the church choir was established, and its was Professor’s Theodore Hadzhistanchev idea. The choir is the only one in Bulgaria after 1900 with an annual subsidy from the state.
The patron of the cathedral “St. Troitsa “was declared a cultural monument of national importance in 1983, constantly endeavor to preserve and regenerate it to be preserved for posterity as one of the oldest buildings in Ruse.

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