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Lyuben Karavelov Regional Library, RuseCod 2360

Russian Library is one of the earliest founded city libraries in Bulgaria. Changes deep social, political and economic carried out after Liberation in 1878, created the conditions for the city’s cultural renaissance. Among the most enlightened circles of Russian society gradually it emerged requirement of an extensive book and the desire to create a city libraries.
In 1888, cultural activists, with the material support of City Municipality, founded. They are members of the educational society “Danube”, founded in Ruse, in September, 1887. At September 12, 1889, have 78 active members, including citizens with positions in the highest positions in the city. In art. 1 of the Company Statute, there is one particular point: “d) establish a city libraries.”

Регионална библиотека “Любен Каравелов” днес е водещ културен институт с вековна и традиции History, работеща за укрепване, популяризиране и развитие на българската идентичност, култура и духовни ценности. Библиотеката е значим и притегателен център в предоставянето на достъп до знание, Information и услуги за всички жители и общности в и региона Russian.

Regional Library “L. Karavelov “is housed in a building assembly line in 1911, first in the Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, according to the project architect. N. Lazarov. The building is distinguished by a volume cilcindric ccentral with baroque shapes characteristic arch projects. Lazarov. Rich decorations are characteristic of both outdoor and indoor with bay leaves, pearls, rosettes. The main entrance is at the corner of two streets.

From 1912 to 1948 the building was used for the needs of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the city and in the 50 years of the twentieth century, it was inhabited by the management of the construction team of the Friendship Bridge (Bridge Danube). After that, there was established Regional Library which later was made a complement contemporary architectural style, east of the old building.

The new part of the library was opened on 23 May 1970 in honor of the celebration of Slavic educators. The project belongs to architect Petko Ivankin Ruse belongs to the equipment and the project architect. Kamen Georgiev from Sofia. New wing is attached to the old building, creating one of the most modern complex of libraries in Bulgaria. It has a floor with a deposit book of five floors. It was built on 1825 square meters, its total area is 5043 square meters. Downstairs there is a hall for cultural and public events with about 350 meters, ten meters stage and cinema cabin.

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