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Monument of Vasil Levski, PlevenCod 2215

Vasil Levski is a national hero of Bulgaria. He is an ideologue and organizer of the Bulgarian national revolution, founder of the Internal Revolutionary Organization (IRO). Also known as the Apostle of Freedom, for organizing and developing the revolutionary network liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule. Travels the country and creates a private revolutionary committees to prepare a general revolution. His dream is a pure and holy republic in which all have equal rights, regardless of their nationality and religion. His monument in Pleven is located on the Square “Renaissance”. The Monument of Vasil Levski is depicted in full size, holding his left hand on his heart and his right on the knife and pistol. At the bottom of the monument are inscribed the famous words of Levski: “If I win I win all the people, if I lose I lose only myself”. Before the monument every year on July 18 is given honor to Vasil Levski.

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