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Community Center “Enlightenment”, KulaCod 2616

In 1882, Professor Neno Kormanov Kovachev and some masters of enlightenment and spirituality, founded the community center “Enlightenment” from Kula. During the 1885 Serbo-Bulgarian War, the modest literary collection, created through donations from enthusiasts, is robbed by the Serbian troops. The library had interrupted its work for seven years.
In 1892, the community center activity is restarted under the form of the society of studies “the Companion”. It has a new status, and develops cultural and educational assets.
The first theater production – “Stoyan leader” is established in 1889.In 1902 the company “Companion” was renamed with the name “Enlightenment”.In 1913, Serbian forces enter again in Kula and for the second time destroy the property of the community center.
After the wars, “Enlightenment” gradually resume its work. In 1925, the veterinarian Dr. Nayden L. Kormanov donated land for the construction of a building for the community center.
The library building was completed in 1930, with the active participation of all citizens of Kula. The community center has its own building: a total area of 1,200 square meters, two halls with 560 and 100 seats, two rehearsal rooms, dressing rooms, 3 rooms, workshops, warehouses, the large library with two rooms, exhibition hall, an information center which gives details about the project Center “Global Libraries”, facilities for cinema screenings with older devices. The last renovation was done in 2008: were replaced the sanitary ware, were put aluminum windows, a heating oil stove, and the roof was partially repaired in 2010.
Cultural Center “Enlightenment-1882” is developing cultural and educational information, library, consulting. It is helped by other community centers of the city.

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