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The monument of the heroes, ComanaCod 1011

The monument was built up in the memory of the ones who lost their lives in the war for the independence, in the First World War and in the Second World War.

Following the war for the independence, Romania achieved the independence against the Ottoman Empire. On the 16th of April 1877, the United Principalities and the Russian Empire signed a treaty at Bucharest, which allowed the Russian armies to pass through the territory of the country in the road towards the Balkans, on the condition of respecting the territorial integrity of Romania.

In the war for the independence, the suffered loses were of 4.302 casualties and disappeared, 3.316 injured and 19.904 ill.

The mobilized forces by Romania in the year of his entry in the First World War (1916) represented, from the numerical point of view, 15% of the country’s population, namely 1.083.000 people.

The effectives of the Romanian army at the date of the mobilization were of 833.758 – army and approximately 18.000 officers, which meant 23 infantry divisions and two cavalry divisions.

The Battle of Turtucaia 1st of August – 6th of September 1916

In this confrontation, the Romanian army suffered a hard defeat from the German – Bulgarian armies. There were registered 6 000 deceased and injured, meanwhile 28 000 militaries were taken prisoners.

The Battle from Bucharest the 29th of November – 3rd of December 1916

It constituted the last attempt of the Romanian troops, commanded by the general Constantin Brezan, of defeating the Capital in front of the invasion of the Central Powers. Although at the beginning the Romanian army achieved some successes, at long last it was under the necessity of retreating, Bucharest being occupied.

The Battle of Mărăști the 22nd – the 1st of August 1917

It was in progress between the 22nd of July and the 1st of August 1917 and it was an offensive operation of the Romanian army and of the Russian army under the purpose of enveloping and of destroying the 9th German Army. Reorganized and solid instructed, but also having the experience of the campaign of 1916, the Romanian troops proved to be an enemy capable of causing problems and even of defeating the powerful German and Austrian – Hungarian armies.

The Battle of Mărășești the 6th – the 16th of August 1917

It was the most important military operation developed by the Romanian Army during the First World War. It was a complex operation, of defense and of keeping the line of the front dotted with numerous offensive fight backs from the Romanians.

The loses suffered by the Romanian army in the First World War were very big: over 500.000 soldiers.

The participation of Romania to the Second World War was characterized by the two campaigns: the one from the East for freeing Bessarabia and Bukovina, lost, and the one from the West for freeing Transylvania, won. At the end of the war, on the diplomatic plan, only the participation from the part of the Ax was taken into account and Romania signed the Peace treaty from Paris (1946) as defeated enemy state.

The loses of Romania in the Second World War – over 800 thousand, both civilians and militaries, although the statistics give different figures. Most of the loses took place after the 22nd of June 1941, when the Nazi Germany invaded URSS.

The military Romanian loses were of approximately 300.000 people.

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