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The Archangel Michael of Prisovo Monastery, PrisovoCod 2522

The Archangel Michael of Prisovo Monastery was founded by the Asenevtsi brothers in the honor of Bulgarians that have died in the battle against Isaac Angel. It is located nearby the village of Prisovo, above 8 km from Veliko Tarnovo. Over the centuries, the monastery was destroyed and raised several times. It was a refuge, for significant Bulgarians such as Vasil Levski, Khitov, Ilarion and others.

According to the legend the monastery of Prisovo was built by Asenevtsi brothers in the memory of those who died in the battl against Bulgarian troops against Isaac Angel, the day of the Archangels. During the 2nd Bulgarian Kingdom, here church officials and scholars are preparing themselves. The Monastery is often visited by Tsar Ivan Alexander and his family.
The Prisovo Monastery was devastated by the Turks, but was restored in 1409 as a literary shool. During the he uprisings in Turnovo of Todor Balina and Paul Djordjich (years 1598 and 1686), the monastery was destroeyd again. Once again, the monastery was rebuilt in 1858. Then the master Petko Hristov from Debelets city began the construction of the current church. La The restoration of the monastery of Prisovo helped many villagers from Debelets and Prisovo and many craftsmen (bucket-maker, coppersmiths and carpenters) in Gabrovo, Veliko Tarnovo and Dryanovo.

Prisovo monastery hosted many educators, men of the Renaissance, outlaws and revolutionaries. Among them are names known as Khitov, Vasil Levski, Ivan Karshovski Matthew Preobrazhenski Ilarion Makariopolski Dimitar Obshti and others. Before the uprising burst out in April, priest Hariton arrives into the monastery, who organizes a meeting in the abbot’s cell.

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