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Musina Cave, MusinaCod 2544

The Musina Cave is near the village of Musina, Veliko Tarnovo region. It is about 380 meters long and is fully mapped. The cave is the home to a large colony of bats. The access is free, but it is not advisable for untrained people to come inside.

It is situated just below the road at the entrance to the village of Musina from Veliko Tarnovo, direction to Pavlikeni. However, to get to the entrance, you must enter the village and and to climb down to the right on the streets nearby the river. It is best to cross the river, upstream on the road and, on the right side of the street, leading to the fountain at the entrance to the cave. In front of the cave there are also remains of a water wheel, a millstone and stone construction. No evidence of a more primitive system.

The cave has two entrances (one dry and wide and a water tesneac). The entrance is down a slope about 2 m, followed by a climb of about 5 m., followed in turn by another descent 3m until the draintrap in the Main Gallery.
Deep in the cave there is the “Blue Lake” (Blue Basin), which is also connected very dangerous trap (siphon) at the beginning. As legend says, at the bottom of one of the halls, in the acvatic gallery of the cave the Roman gold lies sunk.

he dry cave is inhabited by a huge colony of bats.
An underground river flows into this part of the water, which comes from tens of kilometers through the caves and and karst phenomena. There are even relics preserved some time ago. Dobromirka the cave near the village (about 17 km as the crow flies) were placed straw, which appeared in the cave of Musina.

From the foundation of the Roman city Nikopolis ad Istrum, the Romans captured the cave springs and built an water supply pipeline to supply the city with fresh water. The water pipe reaches the distributive tank in the western part of the city.

Before 1990, the cave was arranged and consecrated, and the entrance closed. Now, the access is free but it is not recommended to entry inside because it is quite dangerous.

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