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Aleko Konstantinov’s Museum House, SvishtovCod 2571

The house was established as a museum in 1926. The writer himself donated it to the local municipality while he was alive for cultural purposes. The museum hosts an interesting exhibition which re-creates, the most important stages of the rich and short social and artistic life of Aleko Konstantinov.

On the first floor of the house is exhibited a rich archaeological collection. On the second floor, a display of Aleko’s life and works is arranged. There is displayed a collection of objects and personal belongings depicting his childhood and adolescence in this house. The interior was restored in the second half of 19th century. Among the most precious exponents is the heart of the writer who stopped beating too early.

The great Bulgarian writer appears to be born on January 1st 1863. At that moment the city was blooming because of the trading, the most part of the cereal exports go to the Ottoman Empire but also to Romania, Austria and Russia. Father Aleko was described as a wealthy merchant, speaking fluently 5 languages, a very proud and dominating person and in exchange his mother was a kind, dreaming creature who passed her attributes to the son.
Aleko is lucky to start its instruction with teachers such as Emmanuel Vaskidovich and Janko Mustakov and two years he attends a once famous school of Hristaki Pavlovich. Then he continued his studies to the famous secondary school from Gabrovo, but his instruction was interrupted by the Russian- Turkish war. At his third visit to Svishtov he provokes the emperor Alexander the 3rd to stay in the house of the future writer.

Today’s exibition keeps all the memories. Also, later, this house hosted the Office of Svishtov’s Governor – Nayden Gerov. The employees were celebrities such as Ivan Vazov, Dragan Țankov and Nikola Jivkov, and Aleko himself worked there.

Visiting hours: from 8: 00h. to 12: 00h. and from 13: 00h. to 17: 00h.
Closed: on Sundays (summer season); On Saturdays and Sundays (winter season)

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