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Samovodene Bazar, Veliko TarnovoCod 2485

Samovodene Bazar is located in Veliko Tirnovo and it is an architectural , museum and historical site. It was found in the years of ’60s and ’70s of XIXth century, originally composed of two streets with shops, craft shops and inns. there are several equipped workshops and which are active – weapons, sculptures, pottery, weaving and more.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, when the Renaissance in Tirnovo begin to flourish to the west of the market “Bazhdarlăk” the Samovodene Bazar develops as a business center. În In the market come daily peasant women from the nearby village Samovodene and sell vegetables on mats placed directly on the ground paved. This gave rise to a new name of the market – Samovodene Market. On the sidewalk from the furnace and to the Inn’s Hadji Nikoli, the Belyakovets peasants sell milk, butter, cheese. Two streets with shops, boats stores and inns are formed.
A street starts from a small market, which, in the nineteenth – century was called Square One (flour), and today – Samovodene Market – and continues along the street, leading to Dryanovo Inn ((instead of destroyed cinema “Modern Theatre”).
Here is the Hadji David Inn and Hadji Velikov Inn, the inns of Atanas Yonooglu and Hadji Nikoli, a grocery, opinchar (a workshop for moccasins), blacksmith and other workshops and handicraft shopss.
After Liberation this part of town maintains long tradition of craftsmanship. Its architectural walls with stone, have large swing gates, old houses in Tirnovo with verandas and balconies and a moschee and the street in Samovodene market has beautiful wrought iron railings and ovens for bread rolls, small bread, parlenitsi, and pismet.
Old traditions associated with the Renaissance of this part of the city and a desire to revive traditional crafts, as part of the artistic heritage, led to the idea of restoring the Samovodene Bazar.

Today the Samovodene Bazaar continue to keep the spirit, traditions and romance of the Renaissance. Now, there works a variety of workshops for handicrafts – ceramics, weapons, coppersmith, sculpture, sugar, weaving, icon workshop, photography, café, a shop to perapare cadaif and an oven belonging to ” Samovodene Bazar “, as well as many other souvenir shops and small art galleries. Everyone can join in the work of one of the workshops and will receive a certificate certifying the apprenticeship to that craftsman and the manufactured element is received as a gift. In this way, the complex recreates the atmosphere of the early decades of the twentieth century. In the workshops are developed and sold souvenirs made according to old technologies. They recreates the ancient, medieval and renascentiste exposures of the reach exhibits and of the museum funds. This thing has revived and continued the traditions of crafts in one of the oldest cities in Bulgaria – Veliko Tirnovo.

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