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The Statue of Mihai Eminescu in Alei Park, GiurgiuCod 1047

The Statue of Mihai Eminescu is considered the most important statue in terms of artistic work, the work belonging to the sculptor C. Mendrea from 1938.
The statue has its base concrete poured the pedestal is of stone, and on it is engraved „EMINESCU 1850-1889’’. Every year, on 15th of January, on the occasion of the birthday of national poet,  the  citisens from Giurgiu, lovers of literature gather in the Alei Park to leave flowers, as  a sign of appreciation of the poet, or to recite the most of his famous poems (the Letters I, II, III, IV, V; Epigonii; Doina; Luceafărul; Ce-ți doresc eu ție, Dulce Românie; Evergreen trees and bust of Mihai Eminescu from Alei Park attract  through their beauty especially through the peace the gentle image of the poet emits it.

The statue recalls the giurgiuveans, that in the meanderings of his youth, the great poet has also passed  through Giurgiu, where he worked as a  porter at the Ramadan port half a year.

From 1866 until 1869, he wandered along the route Cernăuți –Blaj – Sibiu – Giurgiu – Bucharesti. Actually,  there are years of knowledge through direct contact of the people, the language, customs and Romanian realities, a Transylvanian pilgrimage  of whom moral author was Aron Pumnul.

Mihai Eminescu (born Mihail Eminovici; born on 15th of January 1850, in Botoșani – death on June 1889Bucharest) was  a Romanian novelist and journalist  reckoned by Romanian readers and literary criticism as the most important posthumous poetic voice of Romanian literature.

Receptive to European romantisms of the XVIII and XIX century, he  assimilated the Western poetic visions, his creation belonging to a a relatively late literary romance.

on a commemorative coin, with a face value of 1 ruble i issued by the Soviet Union in 1989, was engraved the image of Mihai Eminescu. The coin,  put into circulation on December 26, 1989, to celebrate the centenary of Eminescu, was struck at Leningrad, with a circulation of 2 million copies. To note that the surname of the poet is written as Mihail and not Mihai, variant recognized by eminescologists.

In 2000 the National Bank issued a silver coin, quality “proof” [32], which has carved the effigy of Mihai Eminescu.

On 8 ofi Januar2016 the National Bank of Romania, to celebrate the 150 years since the debut of Mihai Eminescu in Family magazine, put into circulation, into the attention of collectors, a silver coin titled 999‰, having a nominal value of 10 lei. The coin is round, has a diameter of 37 mm, and a weight of 31,103 g, serrated edge. The whole issue 200 copies is a proof quality.



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