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The Mausoleum of the Heroes, GiurgiuCod 1037

The work was ordered by the Society “The Cult of the Heroes”, the branch office of the former county Vlașca and it was executed by the public contribution.

The author of the project is the artist State Baloșin. The foundation was put on the day of the 15th of August 1926, the works being finalized in the year 1939, when the mausoleum has been officially inaugurated.

In the interior of the mausoleum, at the underground floor, there are deposited, in three crypts, the relics of 350 identified Romanian heroes, who fell in the battles developed in the county in the fall of the year 1916 and of 69 German militaries, deceased in the hospital from Giurgiu, in the period 1916 – 1918, whose names are inscribed on the seven plates of white marble.

Together with them, in an ossuary, there are kept the relics of 4 000 unidentified Romanian militaries, to whom there are also added the ones of a Bulgarian officer who died in 1913 and the relics of 3 French soldiers, belonging to the colonial troops, deceased in 1918.

The conservation state is very good, the monument being restored and re-inaugurated on 07.12.2007, with the contribution of the National Office for the Cult of the Heroes.

In the First World War, the suffered loses of the Romanian army have been estimated at over 500.000 soldiers, deceased, injured, disappeared or prisoners.

About State Baloșin. The artist was born on the 16th of September 1855 in the village Negoiești, the county of Mehedinți, being the little one of 11 children. He studied in Baia Mare and in Craiova, then he moved to Bucharest in order to study at the Superior School of Architecture. In the same time, he worked as a clerk at the Ministry of Finance in order to be able to support himself.

His career started as a simple drawer, then he was an architect conductor, vice-chief, chief of department, inspector of architecture, vice-director and starting with 1940, director.

He drafted projects for the head offices of some financial administrations, the House of Constructions, different city halls from the province, he executed the plans of the embassy from Sofia, the systematization plan of the cities Turnu – Severin and Galați, monuments of heroes.

At the same time, he executed the single family accommodations or small expansions, as well as the real estates of collective accommodations of 6 – 11 floors, the majority being executed together with the enterprise L and K Schindl.

State Baloșin succeeded in giving his architecture a modern expression, many times complex, touched with sophistication. He approached the Neo-Romanian style, as well as the modern style, which was easily assimilated by the architect.


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