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Alei Park, GiurgiuCod 1046

The construction was requested by Gen. Kiselef in 1830.
Alei Park was  arranged over several years from 1831, when the systematization of the city gas begun.

In 1840, there were planted 200 limes and also was built a buffet and a pavilion for music.

The tradition of music in the park is preserved today.

t is one of the first romantic gardens in Romania.  As time passed, it was maintaining only part of the original structure of alleys and vegetation.
The Statues in Alei Park are, also, works of art and historical monuments.

The most important, in terms of art, is the bust of Mihai Eminescu. Another important monument is dedicated to the French army, as an homage to the commander of allied troops in the Balkan Peninsula during World War I,  the Marchal Foch. The Monument installed in 1920, when Marshal Foch’s name has also been assigned to the park.

An impressive ensemble of statues is the 23 busts of heroes of the war of independence of 1877 (Valter Mărăcineanu Demetrius Wood Şonţu Major, Sgt. Philip Iliescu etc.) installed in the Alei Park on the occasion of the centenary of this historic event. They are the work of important sculptors, including Boris Caragea, Vasile Gorduz, Elena Avramescu, Jana Gertler, Horia Flămând and so on.

It was not called the Ale Garden from the begining – once ” Gen. Foch Garden ” – as the street that leads from the tower to it (now the street behind the The Wallachian Theatre).

In 1831 sthey planted the first two rows of trees in the Alei garden, the sand land leveled and a “parmalac” (wooden fencing) all around was built. In 1835 sfour lanterns were fixed and in the city budget it was forecasted the amount of 46  lei for diffrent expednses, of which it 20 lei were for buying the tallow candles for lanterns.

In 1903, swas raised in this garden, the bust of BC Bratianu then the other statues were brought from doctor Apostol Arsache park, village Parapani (to see), some of which are fixed in the center’s garden (“la farfurie” / “at the plate”).

1920 – it was built the monumental ensemble dedicated to the French army (on the same occasion, the park receives the name of “Marshal Foch Park”, the  exceptional reward of the Allied Troops Commander Trupelor merits) symbolising the four 4 allied powers from the war in 1916.

The Legionary Rebellion in 1941 at GR. occupies the Prefecture and destroys the Alei Garden Casino.

In 1938 the bust of Mihai Eminescu  is plaed (Mihai Eminescu was a a porter at the port of Ramadan – Giurgiu, for about 6 months).

Since 1977,  in this park was arranged the “Alley of Heroes” that exposes busts of heroes fallen in the war for independence in 1877.

“At the deer” is the first fountain made by the communists in Giurgiu the same as the lower part of this garden, made in the same period.

Every year, on 14, at the gazebo in the Alei Park are organised  marriage ceremonies for those who want to share their destinies on Valentine’s Day.

In recent years, the Municipality of Giurgiu made a number of works of modernization and equipment endowment  (playground, fitness room, gazebo, bike track, roller skating and skate ) of maintenance and modernization of the kiosk where fanfare is singing.

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