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The Monument of the Heroes from the Revolution, GiurgiuCod 1040

The beautiful roadside cross made of sculpted wood, on the concrete pedestal, is dedicated to the martyr heroes who fell at the Revolution from December 1989.

During the revolution, the number of the deceased and of the ones mutilated by shooting, before the 22nd of December 1989, is approximately 7 times smaller than the one of the victims registered after that date. According to the records from the year 2005, drafted by the State Secretariat for the Problems of the Revolutionaries (SSPR), institution which was under the subordinate of the Government of Romania, the total number of the deceased by shooting throughout the revolution was of 1142, of the injured of 3138, and of the ones held was of 760. There have been registered no less than 748 children, descendants of the martyr – heroes. The mentioned numbers relate only to the victims who were declared, registered and verified according to the Law of acknowledgement with regards to the heroes – martyrs and fighters who contributed to the victory of the Romanian revolution of December 1989.

According to the information from the indictments drafted by the military offices, among the militaries there have been registered 260 deceased and 545 injured, and at the Department of the State Security, following the incidents there died 65 employees and there have been declared 73 injured.

The military institutions involved in the events from December 1989 avoided offering for much time information concerning the shot or injured serving members. After the date of the 22nd of December, there were detained over 1000 civilians and approximately 1500 militaries, militiamen or security men, motivating that they might have developed actions against the Revolution. Only from the Vth Department (UM 0666), unity among the Department of the State Security, which had as principal missions the guarding and defending of the superior administration of the party and of the state, but also of some objectives considered to be of national importance, there were detained as suspects 341 officers. All the terrorism suspects detained have been freed without being brought any kind of accusation.

For the blanket of some facts, or simply because of indifference, many victims haven’t been registered. Not all the persons shot have been officially buried at the cemetery for the heroes, and some witnesses, but also injured and detained preferred, because of various reasons, not to give any declarations. It has been estimated by the military prosecutors who investigated in the cause of the revolution the fact that the number of the deceased and of the injured might by slightly bigger than the numbers officially known.

Throughout the confrontations of December 1989, there were victims from both the camps (demonstrators and police forces). Most of the victims have been registered at Bucharest.




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