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The Hulubești ChurchCod 1053

The parish church is located in the village cemetery. The history says that the church is built on the site of another older wooden church, of whose icons are still there and can be seen  they were donated to the Tangiru parish, county of Giurgiu for the Church, Mirau subsidiary.

Thus, around 1877, the parishioners on their own initiative, started the action of raising funds needed to build a new orthodox shrine.  Simultaneously with this action, they also began to build the church, bringing  the wall up to 1 meter.

Meanwhile, one of parishioners who had been part of the fundraising committee has abused of his power  during fund raising, and, from this quarrel, that counselor was killed. Because of this unfortunate happenings, construction remained deserted for two years, until the owner of the village, along with his wife, have taken the construction of the holy place on their own, provided that each inhabitant of the village to reap one acre of wheat.

Thus, the work was finished on 26 of October 1880, when it was santified and the patronage of St. Nicholas, St. Alexander and St. Martyr Emanoil.

The master craftsman who executed the work was called Nita Ruse Radu and was from Bucharest. As architectural style, we note that it is a boat-shaped building with a tower above the porch. The windows are straight finished at the top in the form triangles.

In 1995 these windows were replaced  with with metal ones. At the entrance the door is of metal, and the other one at the entrance to the church is wooden oak straight worked. The  The steeple sits on the porch having a prismatic shape with a square base simple no ornaments.

The original painting has belonged to the painter Anton Serafim, the style being of Renaissance with Byzantine  influences.

The Church was repainted in 1992 by Victor Angheliu painter, in the fresco technique, in Byzantine style.


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