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Saint Peter and Paul Church, CetateaCod 1005

The church from the Citadel was built in the year 1864 and it has the shape of a cross and it has as titular saints the Saints Peter and Paul.

The Holy Apostle Peter – son of Iona and the father of the Apostle Andrew, was born in Bethsaida Galilee. His Hebrew name was Simon, but the Messiah will name him Chifa (stone).

After a wonderful fishing on the lake Ghenizaret, he is called to become a fisherman of people.

He confesses in the name of the apostles the divinity of Christ, but he also abandons Christ when He is caught to be crucified.

After the Ascension of God, Peter takes the floor in the gathering of the apprentices and they chose as apostle Matia instead Judas.

On the day of the Pentecost, after the sermon of the Holy Apostle Peter, there are baptized three thousand people. The Holy Apostle Peter preached in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Asia Minor until Babylon and in the last part of his life, at Rome.

Saint Peter died crucified, with his head down, in the year 67, on the 29th of June. The Holy Apostle Paul was native from the Tars of Cilicia, from the ancestry of Veniamin. Saint Paul was the student of the polymath Gamaliel.

Paul lived in Tars and fought against the Christians. The Holy Apostle Paul participated at killing the archdeacon Steven.

On the path of Damask, Christ it is shown to him in a blinding light and He was blaming him: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”

He converts and he receives the baptism from Anania, the bishop of Damask. The Holy Apostle Paul initiated in three grand missionary journeys and he wrote 14 epistles, which are found in the Holy Scripture. He was decapitated from the commands of Emperor Nero, in the year 67.

Because of the fact that the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul were imprisoned because they confessed that Christ is the Son of God, they became the guardian angles of the penitentiary system from Romania.

They are the guardian angels of the ones deprived of freedom and because of the fact that the ones who are in the penitentiaries also made a mistake in front of God, like they did also: Peter abandoned Christ, and Paul persecuted the Christians.

The relics of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, according to the Synaxarion, were put together. The tradition recorded the day of the 29th of June as the date for the martyrdom of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

Therefore, Peter and Paul, authors and apostles of the authentic Christian faith, were at the same time, two true friends, two supports of the Church. Interesting is the fact that each one of the two brothers and clerical friends had something to redeem: Peter had to redeem his dilemmas, his inconstancies, but also his formal abandon of Jesus; Paul had to redeem his wandering and the persecution of the Church of Christ.


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