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The City Hall from GiurgiuCod 1029

The city hall from Giurgiu, a building built up in 1936, functioned as “Hostel for apprentices” and boarding house for the students from the Fishing, Pisciculture and Marine School. It is an important building for the town planning from Giurgiu, and currently, by its rehabilitation and modernizing at European standards, it became the head office of the local administration.

The archeological researches brought to light the fact proofs concerning the stable human establishments from the area, dated from the period of the Neolithic Age. The discoveries confirm the continuity of the presence of the inhabitants in the immediate neighborhood of the river and the connection between their occupations and the life conditions from the alluvial plain of the Danube, but the first documentary certifications of the citadel of Giurgiu we find only in the second half of the XIXth century.

Giurgiu becomes the residence of the county of Vlașca in 1830, and in January 1831 enters into attributions the first magistrate (mayor) of the city. From the same year it also dates the first public garden – ”Aleiu”, today the oldest park of the city. For that matter, the following almost 20 years are marked by special events for the community from the border of the Danube; in 1834, from the Naval Workshops it is launched at water the first commercial shipboard under Romanian pavilion – ”Marița”, it is inaugurated the public lighting with lamps and it is founded the Firefighters service of the city; the first hospital from Giurgiu is opened in 1835 (on its emplacement, today also functions the County Hospital Giurgiu); it is commanded and executed the Systematization plan of the city of Giurgiu, the architect Moritz von Ott being “the father” of the radius model of the streets, model strictly respected until the communist regime decided, at the beginning of the ‘60’s to break from the past, including in the department of town planning.

Between 1952 – 1954, the communist regime, supported by URSS, built the Bridge Giurgiu – Ruse (or the Bridge of Friendship), the first bridge over the Danube which connects Romania with Bulgaria. In 1968, the city was declared municipality, but losing its role of administrative center, being assigned to the county of Ilfov. It became again the county residence together with the founding of the county of Giurgiu in 1981, following a regional administrative reorganization.

The first railway from the Kingdom of Romania was built between Bucharest and Giurgiu, the train station from Giurgiu being inaugurated on the 1st of November 1869.

Between 1952 – 1954, the communist regime, supported by URSS, built the Bridge Giurgiu – Ruse (or the Bridge of Friendship), the first bridge over the Danube which connects Romania with Bulgaria. In 1968, the city was declared municipality, but losing its role of administrative center, being assigned to the county of Ilfov. It became again the county residence together with the founding of the county of Giurgiu in 1981, following a regional administrative reorganization.


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