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Dr. A Vianu House, GiurgiuCod 1049

The House was built in the last years of the XIXth century, the Vianu’s family moved to Giurgiu in 1893 and living here until the first World War. In Giurgiu war began on 15 August 1916 and in November the same year, the hole central area was burned including this house. The house was sold to a merchant and subsequently rebuilt by him.

In this house the great essayist and scholar Tudor Vianu saw the light of the day  on 26th of December 1897, living here until he finished his high-school studies.

The building has a special story and has an appearance that reveals glimpses of history and help us go back in time, the time when this colossal personality of Romanian culture lived there.

In 1987 the museum received a part of the real estate, where works now the department of archeology.

Tudor Vianu (born on 27 December 1897/8 Januar1898Giurgiu – died on y 1964Bucharest) was an Romanian esthetician, literary critic and historian, poet, essayist, philosopher and translator. His older brother is Alexander VIANU -a publicist. Married with Elena Vianu (1911 – 1965). His son, Ion Vianu, is a well-known psychiatrist and writer. His daughter Maria Alexandrescu Vianu, is an  an ancient art historian and archaeologist.

Selection of published writings (1925-1945)

  • Dualismul artei (1925) “The Dualism of Art”
  • Poezia lui Eminescu (1930) “The Poetry of Eminescu”
  • Arta și frumosul (1931) “Art and Beauty”
  • Arta prozatorilor români (1932) “Romanian writers art”
  • Idealul clasic al omului (1934) “The Classic Idea of Man”
  • Estetica, 2 volume (1934-1936) “Aesthetics”
  • Filosofie și poezie (1937) “Philosophy and Poetry”
  • Introducere în teoria valorilor (1942) “Introduction to the Theory of Values”
  • Istoria literaturii române moderne – în colaborare  cu Șerban Cioculescu și Vladimir Streinu (1944)/ “The History of Modern Romanian Literature”), in collaboration with Şerban Cioculescu and Vladimir Streinu
  • Filosofia culturii (1945) / Philosophy of Culture

Book written after  1947

  • Probleme de stil și artă literară (1955)/ Issues of style and literary art
  • Cervantes (1955)
  • Racine (1955)
  • Voltaire (1955)
  • Literatură universală și literatură națională (1956)/ World Literature and National Literature
  • Problemele metaforei și alte studii de stilistică (1957) / The problems of metaphor and other stylistic studies
  • F.M. Dostoievski (1957)
  • Versuri (1957)/ Lyrics
  • Ideile lui Stendhal (1959)/ Stendhal’s ideas
  • Alexandru Odobescu, monografie (1960) / Alexandru Odobescu monography
  • Studii de literatură universală și comparată (1960) / Studies of world literature, and comparative
  • Schiller (1961)
  • Jurnal (1961), ed. a II-a (1970) / Diary
  • Dicționar de maxime comentat (1962) / Dictionary of aphorisms, commented
  • Arghezi, poet al omului (1964) / Arghezi a poet of man
  • Despre stil și artă literară (1965) / About style and literary art
  • Studii de literatură română (1965) / Studies of Romanian Literature
  • Postume (1966) / Posthumous
  • Studii de stilistică (1968) / Stylistic Studies Scriitori români, vol. I-III (1970-1971) / Romanian Writers,
  • Scriitori români din secolul XX (1979) Romanian Writers of the twentieth century


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