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Constanta AquariumCod 1077

The AQUARIUM is located near the beach right in front of the imposing Constanta Casino.

Inaugurated with  great fanfare on May 1, 1958, the Aquarium of Constanta was for a long time the first and only public institution of its kind in our country. The building hosting the aquarium was built at the beginning of XXth century as an annex to the Casino and operated as a restaurant until its rearranging for the current destination. Aquarium exhibition space is intended for presentation of the permanent exhibition of aquatic fauna and flora, and of temporary exhibitions on various themes related to biology, aquatic ecology and marine fisheries.
Over time the Aquarium of Constanta has collected more than 100 species of fish and marine creatures belonging to different geographical areas. Taking into account the environmental, biogeographical and taxonomic criteria, the Aquarium from Constanta is is divided into three sections: Marine, Freshwater and Exotic Fish. The arine section is the bigget and representative secțion of Aquarium and shelters fish and invertebrates found in the Black Sea and  migratory from Mediterranean Sea.
Spectacular in this section is the basin which hosts an impressive collection of  sturgeon specimens renowned for their longevity. Interesting for visitors who visit the Aquarium in Constanta are the species of catfish, shrew and the sea dragon, starfishes,  seahorses, sea needle and thread, parablennius sanguinolentus și and sea cocks, etc.
The Freshwater Section shows various freshwater species of  fish and invertebrates, that inhabit Romanian coastline ponds and the lakes and Danube Delta waters: cyprinids, carp, rudd, roach, bream, are also shown predatory fish such as catfish, zander, perch and pike. The Exotic Fish Section is a real delight for the visitors of Aquarium. In its basins swim  variety of freshwater fish belonging to different freshwater ecosystems  from  tropical and subtropical areas: Piranha varieties of fish, knife fish, angel fish, shovel fish, catfish and many other types of fish with a richly colored.

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